He Had Me at Kung Pao

So those of you who are loyal reader(s) of both my blog and my friend’s blog know that we’re slightly, mildly, overly obsessed with one Brad Paisley. There are many reasons why.

-His dashing good looks

-His obvious talent both musically and lyrically

-His values

-His adorable wife

-His stage presence

And the list goes on and on. If you happened to accidentally skip over the posts when I put the lyrics to some of his songs on here, then you’ve missed out on one of his best traits; his sense of humor.

Brad (cause, you know, we’re on a first-name basis and all) has the wonderful ability to make you shoot milk from yesterday’s breakfast out of your nose while listening to him. The thing I most look forward to now on all of his records is when he gets the “Kung Pao Bukaroos” to do a little diddy.

Who are the Kung Pao Bukaroos you ask? Well, they’re three very good friends of Brad’s and members of the Grand Ole Opry. They are George “No Show” Jones, “Whisperin” Bill Anderson, and “Little” Jimmy Dickens. So far, they’ve done a song on every album of Brad’s, except for the first.

You can imagine that I was pleasantly surprised with the talk of a Christmas album (as I am obsessed with all things Christmas) and even more so when I saw “Kung Pao Buckaroo Holiday” as one of the songs that would be on it.

Yesterday, being the psychotic stalker huge fan that I am, I purchased the Christmas album on it’s drop date. The first song I listened to was the Kung Pao Buckaroo Holiday. Oh. My. Can you say hilarious? Basically, they make a mockery of all things politically correct, going so far as to say that you can’t sing White Christmas anymore; “You might offend people, you have to sing Caucasian Holiday.” Yeah, it’s like that.

So go pick up Christmas by Brad Paisley, it’s full of great traditional favorites, and some new songs that’ll give you a chuckle or even make you a little misty.

10 Responses to “He Had Me at Kung Pao”

  1. 1 Vanessa October 11, 2006 at 10:58 am

    That Celebrity video is so funny. He is a funny funny guy. I do like his music too.

  2. 2 fancythis October 11, 2006 at 11:00 am

    Glad to know you like him too!!! :)

  3. 4 fancythis October 11, 2006 at 11:03 am

    Well, I’m at work, and bored, so when I get an email saying I have a comment, I pounce on it!!!!

  4. 5 PhotoJoe October 12, 2006 at 7:13 am

    I am proud to say that I actually saw Little Jimmy Dickens LIVE at the Grand Ole Opry!

  5. 6 fancythis October 12, 2006 at 7:50 am

    not fair!!!! I’m SO jealous!

  6. 7 lifelemons October 12, 2006 at 8:55 pm

    Sniffle, Sniffle, I still need to run out and get this album! The husband went to get it when it came out and they didn’t have anymore!Cuss-word!

  7. 8 Katie November 18, 2006 at 8:43 am

    Woohoo!!! I am also obsessed with Brad Paisley!!! It’s kind of embarrassing because I’m 25, and I’m supposed to be over stuff like this by now. My ‘dream’ is that I will win front-row tickets to his December 1st concert in SLC, Utah.

    I posted about Brad today and linked to you:

  8. 9 Katie November 18, 2006 at 8:43 am

    Actually, I’m 26. whoops

  1. 1 Save the WHAT?! « sunny side of life Trackback on October 12, 2006 at 8:12 am

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